Who coaches the coach?
People often ask, “Do you have a coach too?” Absolutely. Over the years, I’ve invested significantly in coaching because no other process accelerates growth as profoundly and helps you give your best, be your best, and simultaneously find joy.
My first coach was Maria Sorel de Neufchateau, a captivating woman—and a fierce chain-smoker. She introduced me to active meditation. That changed my life dramatically. I was 24.
Then came Ester Oriezek, a lady as tough as she was tender. I’ll never forget when she gently stroked my cheek and said, “Stop being so ruthlessly hard on yourself.” That simple gesture caused an inner earthquake, the rumbling of which I still hear.
There was also Mr. Korbel, a psychologist who, – I swear! – was born already old and wise. One day I shared a self-defeating story I had clung on for years. He simply snarled, “Nah!” and wiped it away with a dismissive wave. Life can change in a moment. And realizing that as a coach comes with immense responsibility.
I’ve been blessed with extraordinary mentors. Bob Proctor sparked an awakening. Alfried Längle and Uwe Böschemeyer, both disciples of Viktor Frankl, brought new dimensions to my life. My best friend, Peter Friedli, remains an endless source of inspiration.
I also learn from the greats—Yalom, Camus, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche—and many more. My hunger for more will never stop.
And every day, my loved ones and clients remind me what it takes to grow and become a better human being.
Love you all.
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